Museum of the Home Ticket Portal

Make a Donation

At Museum of the Home, we reveal stories of home life, past, present and future, sparking empathy, debate and understanding. No other Museum specialises in this subject and we have a unique power to connect people. Every year we must raise or generate £1 million to keep the lights on, and any donation, big or small, has the power to make a huge difference! 

Ticket options

  • Donation

    Helps to buy new bulbs for our award-winning Gardens

    0 30 max

    Helps to buy new bulbs for our award-winning Gardens

  • Donation

    Supports one child from the local area to attend a school workshop, supporting creative learning outside of the classroom.

    0 30 max

    Supports one child from the local area to attend a school workshop, supporting creative learning outside of the classroom.

  • Donation

    Buys 50 pairs of specialist gloves, essential for maintaining our collection of 40,000 objects.

    0 10 max

    Buys 50 pairs of specialist gloves, essential for maintaining our collection of 40,000 objects.

  • Donation

    Buys a Sensory Explorer Bag, filled with things to engage and stimulate our younger visitors.

    0 30 max

    Buys a Sensory Explorer Bag, filled with things to engage and stimulate our younger visitors.

  • Donation

    Allows us to collect an oral history, preserving stories of home for future generations.

    0 10 max

    Allows us to collect an oral history, preserving stories of home for future generations.

Make a Donation

At Museum of the Home, we reveal stories of home life, past, present and future, sparking empathy, debate and understanding. No other Museum specialises in this subject and we have a unique power to connect people. Every year we must raise or generate £1 million to keep the lights on, and any donation, big or small, has the power to make a huge difference! 

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